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Toxicology tests reveal date of Cruft’s dog’s poisoning

As you will recall, Jagger, the Irish Setter who competed at the recent Crufts Dog show in the U.K., passed away suddenly less than 48 hours after leaving the show.

Toxicology tests on the chunks of undigested beef found in Jagger’s stomach show that he was fed two fast acting poisons, confirming that he could not have been poisoned at the show.

Jagger’s owners, Alexsandra and Willem Lauwers, and Dee Milligan-Bott and Jeremy Bott, who originally believed that Jagger was fed the poisoned beef chunks at the show, but never suspected a fellow competitor, have accepted that they may never know exactly what happened but are critical of the way that the show’s organizers have handled things.

According to, the couples said in a statement that the show’s organizers had sent them “cold” and impersonal emails, while they themselves “did everything possible to quell the media frenzy that was eager to sensationalise this sad situation.”

Organizers have said that the sickening of 6 other dogs who participated in the show was just a rumor.

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